They’re here! They’re here ! Hallelujah they. are. here. .
Exhale …– What an emotional journey it’s been the last 10 months.. I have so much relief now just knowing they’re earth side and here safe in my arms.
I will be sharing more, and of course their birth story // When I’m ready…. Keeping it sacred and still processing it all — feels like the right thing to do right now..
Introducing our two little gifts:
Cove and Meadow:
I’m so in love with these two precious gifts // it’s seriously mad love.
I can’t stop staring and smelling and cuddling .. and I honestly can’t believe I made TWO babies and grew them and fit them in this body of mine. My womb, I’m pretty damn proud of it.
Here are their full names –
Meadow Nightingale Shine
Baby “A” born at 11:58 pm on May. 5 2015 ( yup 05/05/15 — what a fun birthdate hey!? ) weighing 4 lbs 10 oz
Meadow is super sweet and calm. She is still such a bitty little thing that I feel like I have a real life doll. She prefers to sleep in my arms all night and I still have to pinch myself that I have another baby girl, and that Harlan has a sister…
” Meadow ” came to me when I read an article about Paul Walker. His daughter’s name was Meadow and the moment I read it — it literally took my breath away. Every time I saw or heard that word/ name my heart would skip a beat, and Cove and Meadow — hello don’t they just sound good together
” Nightingale “ is from a book I read as a teenager ( To Hear a Nightingale ) . I found it at a garage sale on Pender Island and would read it every summer. It’s still one of my favourite books of all time and a beautiful love story that reflects so much of me and Steve’s..
” Shine “ is a recent addition. Levi came up with it and would tell people that’s what we were naming the baby girl. We kinda fell in love with it, and I have to say, well done Levi !
And the baby of the family –
Cove Huntington David
Baby” B” born @ 12:01 am on May. 6th 2015 — yup different birth dates !! What are the chances !?
Cove weighed 5 lbs 5 oz
Cove is exactly how he was in utero // content, calm, cooperative and he also has this ” happy jolly soul ” when he opens his eyes, and always looks like he’s smiling..
He has blonde wisps and we can’t decide if he looks like Levi or Dion because he’s kinda a mix of them both!
Ps: I forgot how intoxicating that boy/ Mama love is.
Covey we love you so !
Steve came up with ” Cove ” when we were vacationing on Pender Island last September ( I would find out I was pregnant when we came home from that trip )
{ — Side note : Pender Island is a place where I hold such fond childhood memories… My French grandparents lived there and it’s truly a magical place. }
( above 3 images are cell phone pics )
I actually have a picture of the very moment ( above ) – crazy enough.. We were on a little bridge that connects the two islands and we stopped to look at the sunset and take pictures. Steve said something about the sun in the ” cove ” and then immediately turned to me and said ” Cove, that would be a cool name for a boy ” I have to agree.
” Huntington ” is from Huntington beach. We vacationed there 3 years ago and fell in love with it. Me and Steve always say we are gonna retire there one day..
And “ David ” ….This was not the name we intended for him to have, but in the middle of the first night
I was looking back at texts from my sister and she had written – “too bad the babies won’t be born tomorrow .. Do you know who’s birthday it is..?”
Secretly I had always wanted them born on my Mom’s birthday ( April. 28th, she passed away from Cancer 9 years ago )
But God knew.
It dawned on me right then, it was my Step Dad’s birthday. He too had also passed away from cancer in 09′.
I will never forget that moment in the middle of the night in the dark, with two babies on my chest and the silent sobs I cried.
Redemption. Pure redemption.
If there was ever a sign straight from heaven, it was then.
Only my close friends know exactly what this means to me.
I’ll leave it at that.
Lots of people ask us with clenched teeth – ” How’s it going ?”
To be honest, it’s going great.
I feel so filled up with love and joy and thankfulness to God for coveting all my prayers this pregnancy, for my 5 babies who complete our life and family..
Dammit I just feel really friggen blessed.
Sure, look it //things are busy and sleep is few and far between, and getting out the door is a work out in itself.
But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Right here in this beauty and chaos is exactly where I’m supposed to be.
I know by now this newborn stage is short and sacred, and babies don’t keep…
Soaking up my last newborn hurrah.
My last.
Still saying that with baited breath, and it still aches a little to think about it.
Grandbabies, yes I’ll have lots of those.
Some photos of the last 3 weeks –
The girls.
The boys.