Holy moly, I can’t believe I haven’t blogged in 8 months ! ( Blame it on the twins )
When I rebranded over a year ago, I slightly underestimated how much work it was gonna be. Throw in pregnant with twins ( — About that, My bestie always laughs whenever she hears me say that because truly, what can trump ” pregnant with twins ” ok, besides pregnant with triplets etc.. but still .. ) Anywho, throw in pregnant with twins, then all of a sudden going from 3 kids to 5, life, work, blah blah blah ( you get the picture ) and you end up here.
I’m gonna take you down memory lane with me, starting when the twins were only 4 weeks old, when things were lush and green and warm..
Seriously, take me back !!!
This is right about the time when all the kids were pretty much done with me.
Big brothers and little sisters.. I mean..
In the throws of summer // lots of jammy days!
10 week old Cove
These flowers only seem to come out every few years, they are seriously magic !
Picking wildflowers
Gimme my newbies back !
Meadow at 12 weeks
Pender Island. Oh how I love this place. It’s where we named Cove and one of the highlights of our year. I love that we are creating such beautiful memories and traditions for our kids. I kept telling Steve, ‘ these are the things they’ll remember hun. When they grow- up and look back on their child hoods.. These are the things that will shape it, even the little things ..’
I only wish I had taken more big camera pics.. I’ve been relying on my cell phone too much, add that to the New years resolutions..
One perk to doing product shots is that I also get some big camera pics of my babies.
These were for Jack and Julie co
Me and my baby girl for Arrow and Lace DesignsThis picture of my girlies makes me cry
Apple orchards, pumpkin patches and all my loves, just a few of my favourite things..
6 month little treasures
Hanging out in their room, I’ll have to post a room tour soon.
I just love these last ones we took just the other week. Watching your last ( insert ugly cry ) babies grow-up has been really hard on me to be honest.. I am not one that likes change or moving on, especially from things I adore so much… But there really is so much beauty in seeing all your kids interact together and be able to laugh and play ( and fight 😉
We are embracing what is the start of the chaos and I will say I do look forward to that busy, buzzing household feels and never a dull moment things // Once everyone gets mobile around here..In case you didn’t know, I’m a self – timer junkie.
Take a good guess as to who had to run and push the button ( it wasn’t me Bahaha )
If you’re reading this and put up with my long post, thank you ! I have had such amazing support this last year from people just like you and I hope you know just how much your sweet comments, emails and messages mean to me.
I’m looking so forward to sharing more and I appreciate you following along on this journey.
Love and light.