I first stumbled across Kelle Hampton’s blog a year and a half ago. I read Nella’s story and I cried harder than I had cried in a long time. It changed me. I thought I was the only person in Abbotsford who knew of her, until I discovered many friends I knew were also on the Enjoying the small things band wagon as well. During my “pumping days” her blog kept me company. I started from the beginning at her first blog entry, and it was like reading a good novel, that never has a ending, quite frankly to me, that’s the best kind of book 😉
Her blog has changed the way I parent, how I live my life and continues to inspire me every: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 😉
My friend Kacey even made up WWKHD? ( what would Kelle Hampton do? ) And a lot of days I do think – what would she do??
She announced her book was being released and with that came incentives. Buy 10 copies and get a 30 minute skype session. Sign me up for that!!! I immediately messaged my fellow Kelle Hampton lovers and the process began. I still can’t believe we managed to organize 11 women’s schedules around work, school, kids, C-section date and nursing babies – but we did!!!!
And since Kelle always plans the most amazing parties, I knew we had to do it up right, because really, WWKHD?!
So I channeled my inner party planner, read Tori Spelling’s new book
And we had ourselves a wonderful night!
Party ideas from Nella’s first birthday
Most of all my party decor is from my good friend Cindy
Take home for the ladies a fresh Peony from my good friend Adrienne‘s local business
Tori Spelling party planning tip: carnations: Bunch this affordable, hardy flower together and no one will ever guess it is one, LOVE.
Left: Extremely expensive terrible tasting French macaroons from Holtz.
Right: Nicole using her great technology skills and setting us up to skype!
Beautiful baby London! So excited I got to meet this lil darling finally, she was a angel the entire night 🙂
Everyone brought a dish, Nicole was forced to bring her famous Jamie oliver appy, and all diets were off for the night.
And then – She was there!!!!!!!!!
– Kacey living out her dream!!!!
We had a really good time…….
Asking questions.. Dang my family and friends are beautiful!!
Is this real life!?????
We got to meet Nella and Lainey, I almost cried.
Below left: Having a out of body experience,
Right: My face thinking ” Oh my gosh I can’t believe we’re talking to Kelle Hampton!! ”
Showing her the decor because I knew she would appreciate it 😉 – Thank-you Cindy for the pics of me 🙂
Side note: That’s Sangria in the punch bowl, and my my it was goood!
New friends and old friends ( Nicole is having her baby next week!! )To all the ladies who came, THANK-YOU!!!! It was special because you all were there too.
I can’t believe we pulled this off!!
Crossing it off the bucket list, and going to bed with giddy, happy feelings 😉