Christmas may have only been 2 weeks ago, but Looking back on these pictures tonight, the images are already feeling like distant memories. But I’m ok with that because I like memories. Especially the ones that include eating, presents, family, good friends, time off and happy babies.
This year I made a conscientious effort to really live in the moment of the joyous season. I blasted christmas music throughout the house day and night, lit bath & body works christmas candles ( they are the best ) had a gingerbread house decorating party, Christmas movie marathons, a grouse mountain trip, we got to visit Santa, we wore Christmas sweaters and pjs, and the whole thing was just plain ol warm and cozy.
So a lil late…
But – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!!
I got this idea from my girlfriend Adrienne. You do a Christmas box on the first of December when you set -up the Christmas tree. In our box this year was: Matching Christmas Jammies for everyone, Melissa and Doug Nativity puzzle, new advent Calendar, Christmas quilt, philosophy bath stuff for Mama, and Christmas movies.
Let the fun begin!
I really wanted to do a gingerbread decorating party this year. Steve told me to not go crazy and start planning too much.
So I didn’t…
– Until I saw a hot chocolate bar party theme on Pinterest.
And then, I went just a lil crazy 😉
MMMM hot chocolate!
With marshmallows and candy canes in them!
New Years:
We stayed in with our good friends, we each made 2 appies including Jamie Oliver’s hit (pictured below) We put kids to bed and we drank wine, played games ( “Titanic!” )
And we I barely made it to midnight.