I’ll miss you while you sleep

When I dreamt about what tonight would look like, I imagined a hot bath, Davids tea, chocolate banana bites and a chick flick.
I just finished a 11 hour work day,  and darnnit anyways I needed some “me” time.
I finally got the kids fed and to bed, turned the kettle on.
When I got a text from Nicole  that read:
” Do you ever put your kids to bed and miss them 15 minutes later?”
my reply:

It’s funny, you can’t wait till nap time, bedtime — that break.

And then the second I catch a moment to reflect, all I wanna do is scoop them up outta bed, kiss the slope of their nose,  bury my face in the wisps of their baby hair

And then I feel a pang of Mommy guilt for counting down the minutes,  sometimes the hours till they sleep.

For being so distracted with my “to do” list that morning…

It’s hard you know, sometimes…  to treasure the moments amidst the chaos.

To forget that your floors don’t need to be vacuumed,  or the laundry put away…

But I know the “missing them while they sleep”  is simply just foreshadowing the future.

When they’re grown, and independent, off to school for 7 hours of the day, and out with friends at night.
I’ll wanna go back to the days when babies crawled up my legs while I made dinner, when I answered 15 million questions a day.  When all of them were at home.
I know I’ll wish I had a window to look back through.
To  go back for just one day and see them again as kids, as babies.
And wish I had gotten on my hands and knees and played trucks, rather than wash my floors.

Tomorrow is a new day, filled with nothing that has to do with housework and everything to do with the little people  I love most.

Now off to snag a sleeping baby from their bed.
Aw heck, maybe I’ll just let them stay with us all night;)
