I was in a bit of denial about turning the big 3-0.
30 sounds, urgh… I dunno – old.
But more to it than that, I felt a little sad to say goodbye to a era.
One that has truly been a roller coaster of life changing events to say the least.
I’ve started a career, married, lost a Mother and a step Dad, bought a house, become a mother to 3 children, and started a whole other career.
I’ve become the person I am today because of these such things, and although I would never want to go back, I’m a little declined to move forward.
I feel like my 20’s gave so much to me, that it’s hard to think the other era’s will ever be able to compete.
I found ” my” true happiness, being in which, becoming a Mother, and started a new life with my husband.
My twenties taught me so many things… Mostly what not to do… and my goodness if only I could go back and tap that girl on the shoulder, but hey, that’s all apart of the journey.
So with that outlook on my ” big ” day looming, I told my husband and friends I didn’t want a surprise party, or any big elaborate thing.
I wanted to be with my family, my closest friends, eat cake, ok…and maybe drink some wine… 😉
I always say expectations kill joy.
Well, I had zero expectations of my 30th birthday, and dang my fwends, they like always, showed up.
Cookies: by Pam’s cookies I almost couldn’t eat them they were so pretty !
My girlfriend Cindy, of Confetti and Sparkle party shop did all of the amazing decor
The girls hired a chef, to come cook for us, an amazing gal and her food tastes unreal! So much better than going to a restaurant.
My sister in law and friend Joni found the perfect table cloth, but seriously is that not what dreams are made of!? If your interested in using it for one of your events, $20 to rent, bam.
Fact: There has been one or more people pregnant at all times during the last 6 years.
But we are from the valley…. 😉My cake was made by none other than Shayla of Jelly beans custom cakes.
* thanks for snapping these pics of me Cindy lou!
And here they are, most, but not all of my friends who I am so beyond blessed to call mine !
Thank you girls, for sharing with me your own, unique gifts.
For being there for me in my hardest days, my best of days, and my every days.
I can’t do it without you.
M <3