If you saw my IG stories last Friday night you know we threw a baby shower for a girlfriend of ours. This baby has been prayed and yearned for and lucky me, I even got to be there in the room when she was born. Ang has watched us all have our ” moment” so it felt so good to celebrate her and this monumental moment. We kept it small ( her request ), simple, no special order cakes, cookies, or party decor because well, to be honest – it’s June and when you’re a Mom with kids in school,,, blah blah blah, it’s crazy town. But celebrate we did – each bringing a dessert and main dish – some of it was bought from the store ( we ain’t judgin’ ) and some went total legit and made stuff from scratch – Whatever works people!
I guess one of the only reasons it was ok that peony season was late this year was that we were able to use them for the shower. We wanted a farmers market feel with a touch of glam and if you saw my last post about using flowers when you have a lack of props, well that seems to be our go-to lately… Also, probably, because our friend Adrienne is crazy talented and has a new local flower farm in yarrow called “The Bouquet Farm” Seriously you guys, I’m so excited to share more details soon with you. But for now you can find her on IG@TheBouquetFarm – it’s gonna be amazing.
It also helps that Marie has a beautiful house, you may remember it from our Harvest Party last year? Anywho, it really made the whole thing come together, along with the endless Rose’, outdoor heaters and good conversation.