I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier each year. Halloween was over ( thank goodness ) and I’ll admit I was kinda eager to get started like the rest of them. Plus, lets face it — the decorations sit in storage boxes for the remainder of the year, so why not use em while we can.
The house we are in now actually has an amazing staircase that I’m really gonna miss, it basically screams ” throw a christmas garland on me!” — and every year we do.. But I really wanted to try a fresh one this year. They smell amazing and the real deal is always well.. the real deal haha!!
I posted a lil sneak peek on snap chat and had some questions and promised I would give a lil how- to on here — I ain’t no florist, but here we go, I’ll do my best –
I gathered some greenery from our property, I’m not sure what tree it was, but it smelled like Christmas, so I just went for it. BUT do as I say not as I do — If I had to do it over I would have gotten it from a Grand Fir. They smell THE best and my girlfriend has a christmas tree farm and recommended this, I also used:
Juniper bush
Juniper berries
Floral wire
Wire cutters
I basically took the branch that was curved the way I wanted and gathered greenery from there to make a long train, attaching it with floral wire ( so much floral wire ) I did about half and then anchored it to the stairs. Steve wasn’t home so this was the only way I could do it on my own, I think it may work better too because you can adjust the length, etc from there without going to the point of no return, if you know what I mean..
From there I added the pine and juniper, filling in the spaces where it needed so that it looked good. if parts hung too low or looked messy I gathered it with the floral wire and it made it all come together. I chose some carnations and roses and they were great, but the possibilities here are endless ! You really could incorporate any colour of flower, I wanted mine to look christmasey so I went with red.
Hope this helps, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
PS, 1 month till Christmas, AHH !
XO, Michele