There’s nothing that says spring like new life, and I don’t know about you guys- but winter has felt LONGER THAN EVER THIS YEAR.
You may have seen on my Instagram stories that one of our chickens was hiding under our deck sitting on eggs. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, and it seems to be this one breed and it’s offspring, that like to live life on the edge and out in the wild, away from the rest of the flock. I knew that if we moved her eggs she wouldn’t sit on them anywhere else, and luck would have it that our trusty old chicken ‘Olive’ was broody at the time and once again took on some eggs that weren’t her own. I had no idea if any of them had took and the shells were too dark to see through… But from the little experience I have now, I knew they felt heavy and solid. It was a large clutch, and one unfortunately ended up cracking so I was able to see there was a baby chick in there just days away from hatching. February is definitely not an ideal time to have baby chicks around here, and with the temperature dropping drastically and snow on the way, we decided to bring her in to the house. They all started hatching the day I was leaving on a trip, so the kids and our babysitter took it all on. Never a dull moment around here you guys!
Anyways… you know I love creating things and taking photos. It truly fills my soul. So I stole a few of the babies the other day and took some photos of them. They are literally the most friendly baby chicks we’ve had and some even fell asleep. Gah my heart, i love for this kinda stuff <3
Spring is around the corner, and soon the grass will be green and the flowers in bloom. Until then, I am trying to embrace the hibernation time of year, because it carries it’s own gifts, too.
xo, Michele