So if you have been watching my instagram stories the last few weeks you will know I have mentioned that something has been going on this last month which has kept us busy and more quiet on my page and well… this is it!
A quick little back story: Steve and I have always been very vocal with each other about our goals and dreams ever since we started dating. Some we have worked hard at to make come true, and some well.. they may never happen… and that’s ok too!
But something we have always wanted was a vacation home by the sea. We are so fortunate where we live here in British Columbia, Canada. We are close to the ocean and gulf islands… even lakes, etc up country which are only a few hours away.. But we could never find the right fit. Steve works most of the summer, so trying to commute hours to get somewhere or deal with the hassle of a ferry, etc.. It just never made sense.
Then one day a few months back we were looking online at properties and I came across this cute little beach town in Birch Bay, WA. It’s across the line in the U.S, but since we live in a border town it’s only 40 minute drive from our house! With Steve’s work wanting to expand into the U.S eventually too, it all kind of made sense.

Anyways… months and months pass by and housing prices keep going up and up… Nothing good really pops up online and we get busy with my explant shenanigans, recovery, life, berry season… you get it. Then a few weeks ago I’m sitting and getting my nails done and decide to check the real estate app and I see a house that is new to the market as of 15 minutes prior. As I start looking through the photos I realize how perfect it would be for our family and immediately send it to Steve saying: “I found the one!”
I have honestly said these very words to him so many times before (I can be dramatic) so I don’t think he really took me seriously.
Plus of course he was having a crazy day at work (cue heat wave 2021) but said- “we will look at it tonight.” I spend the whole rest of the day obsessing about it and love that it’s just a street up from the ocean, has a hot tub, a salt water canal out back, is close to the local shops and has good bones that with just a bit of paint and some new decor will have so much potential…

Anyways- that night we talk and Steve falls in love with it too and gets his realtor across the line to look into it.
Fast forward two days and the house becomes “hot” multiple offers start coming in and we put one in too. Honestly the whole thing was insane and crazy fast but the doors just literally started to fly open and the next thing we know they’ve accepted our offer and it’s mad scramble to get everything in place. Lawyers, bank meetings… Buying a property in another country just has it’s own set of challenges so it was a bit of a crazy time. We wrote our offer to allow all the house furnishings to come with it and wow I’m so glad I did. I forgot how much money goes into setting up an entire home!
Plus it worked great for the people selling it. Believe it or not they live in the UK so it was a win-win on both sides.
So here we are one month later and we have our very own beach house!!
We decided to give her a name (of course). So say hi to: “By The Bay Beach House”
Side story: 8 years ago I started a beach house dream board on Pinterest and I named it “By The Bay”
With the house being in Birch Bay it all came together easily and just feels so serendipity.
BUT here’s the clutch (there’s always one)
We can’t see it or visit it.
Yup that’s right.
With the borders still shut down due to covid we still aren’t able to go down there.
I went into it knowing this, but let me tell ya- now that it’s ours it’s like dang- it. But anyways… for the time being we are listing it on Airbnb check out our listing HERE (and will continue to even once the borders open up)
It’s been so much fun getting it all set-up online and within five days we had completely booked up the month of August! Say whaaaatttt!!
But let me tell ya, there has definitely been some anxiety inducing moments. It always feels SO scary to start something new and I definitely have felt this pressure (self induced) to make sure this venture works and is successful. I honestly have NO idea what I’m doing- but I’m diving right in, researching like crazy… listening to podcasts, joining FB groups, chatting with friends who have done it and I know I will just figure it out as I go. Heck I still do that with most things in my life anyways.
Life is short and sometimes you just have to grab hold (especially when opportunity knocks) because you only get this one, precious life on earth and I’m here to make the most of it.
Thanks for listening to this novel and following along with our little life over here friends.
I appreciate you