Hard to believe we’ve been in our house for 3 months now.. We still have lots of little projects to to do, including unpacking boxes ( seriously, I should have set a bit more realistic expectations on that one.. 😉
But one of the things I’ve been looking forward to is decorating for Christmas. With our wood burning fire etc, it just screams cozy.. I really didn’t want to go all out and buy a lot of new decor, because to be honest, the thought of all that stuff sitting in my storage room in boxes 10 months of the year stresses me out. We live on acreage now and back onto a forest so I grabbed some branches and used a lot of that to add little touches all over the house..
Plantable Tree and wreath from @TheBouquetFarm
Thank you to everyone who commented on my IG post about hanging wreaths on windows. The hooks are linked HERE
Hood wreath from @TheBouquetFarm
We had our annual gingerbread decorating last weekend ( one of my favourite traditions ) and we set it up in our flex room. We wanted to make the space feel christmasy too, I used a fake green garland and added branch wisps to it. Honestly, I was shocked at how well it worked. No tying in the wire, etc, like I did last year This was a fun little craft we did with the kids. Super easy :
Glue trees onto inside of jar lid
Fill jar with sparkles
Add water
Shake rattle and roll.. annndd..
Ta- da!
*You could also just add fake snow and no water *
A lot people had asked about our tree, if you’re local, its from @Ledgeviewtreefarm.
We’ve had this santa for years. The first week back up it scares the sh** outta us when we walk down the stairs in the morning…;)
Sliced oranges on rack in oven at 200 for 2 hours.. Add some orange essential oils, you’re welcome.
Another tradition we do is each of the kids have a little mini tree in their rooms. Its the perfect spot to put to put all those *special* handmade ornaments……
And last but not least the stair garland. I wanted to gussy it up a little bit more than this but ended up liking the simplicity of it against the curvy rails. I used a zap strap ( shown below ) it is super easy, doesn’t ruin your railing.. win win..
I hope you have a Merry Christmas you guys. I know it can be the best and yet sometimes the hardest time of year…go figure.
What are some traditions you have at your house?
Thanks for being here. Your support means more than you know xo, Michele